
I enjoy creating art that connects visual, sonic, and literary elements.

visual art

characters and landscapes

logo and graphic design

sound & music




articles and lore



My name is Mikkel S. Christensen and I’m a multi-disciplinary artist. My artistic passions come together mostly within the realm of In Extremis, where I try to combine the visual, sonic, and literary art in stories and supporting world-building. In the music outside of In Extremis, I navigate the intersections and overlap between many influences.

I’ve been creating something for almost as long as I can remember. Eventually I studied Music & Technology at Stevens Institute of Technology and Music Composition at the University of Missouri. I have a day job, work on In Extremis, standalone music, and occasionally take commission work.

While I create everything for In Extremis, the website is handled as an in-universe creation by Kaniovac ‘Andyda.